我喜歡作陶,在於它有一種直率的特質。 它來自土地,有其自足的宇宙,無限寬廣而沈靜,可以從中知覺自己的存在。 三十幾年來,我在作陶的生活中成長,顛簸、再生,一次一次體會到創作的神奇力量。
作品以實用器皿為主,除了汲取台灣傳統陶藝的養分,景仰宋瓷、韓國李朝瓷器之外,也心儀英國、日本現代陶藝史上的幾位大家(如 Lucie Rie 、Bernard Leach、濱田庄司等),對他們簡潔、洗鍊的風格多所揣摩。
因天性愛好自然,復喜愛烹飪,由此涵詠、融會,演繹出個人的風格。1994年赴紐西蘭一年,習染西方陶藝文化,曾向捷克裔陶藝家 Mirek Smisek 請益。亦曾多次赴日本取經,並踏足歐洲、非洲南部,凡此經歷均成為創作滋養。
Nicole Wang ( Wang Mei - yun ) has thrown herself whole-heartedly into the field of ceramic-making for more than 30 years, starting right after her graduation from Tunghai University. At her earliest, Nicole studied with much venerated ceramic artist Lin Bao-jia ( 林葆家 ). Later she participated in Li Liang- yi’s ( 李亮一 ) studio at Tianmu to learn ceramic art from Li and to be his teaching assistant, at the same time taking part in the Intoxicated Clay Exhibitions ( 醉陶展 ) for many years. Thereafter, she started a studio of her own, concentrating on making and teaching ceramics.
Nicole is mainly interested in making vessels of practical use, favoring a simple and refined style which she has developed from many sources. She has been inspired in particular by traditional Taiwanese ceramics, porcelains of the Song Dynasty and the Joseon Dynasty of Korea, as well as masters of modern Britain and Japan such as Lucie Rie, Bernard Leach and Hamada Shoji.
Nicole loves nature and cooking; she believes these are the two things that play paramount roles in shaping her ceramic style. In1994, Nicole visited New Zealand for a year to study western ceramics. While she was staying there, she had close contact with Czech ceramic artist Mirek Smíšek. She also traveled widely in Japan , Europe and South Africa to enhance her knowledge of ceramic art.
2004 「雲淡風清」雙個展,也趣藝廊,台灣
Duo Exhibition with Ong Chin-Sheng, Aki Gallery, Taiwan
2004 聯展,典藏淡水藝術館,台灣
Group Exhibition, Taiwan
2009 陶藝聯展,一票人票畫空間,台灣
Group Exhibition, PiaoPiao Art Gallery, Taiwan
2012 「尋找101:跨年袖珍藝術展」 聯展,伊通生活空間,台灣
‘Looking for 101: New Year's Eve Pocket Art Exhibition,’ Group Exhibition, IT Park Gallery, Taiwan
2013 食器作品展售,罐子茶書館,台灣
Solo Exhibition, Cans Tea House, Taiwan
2014 食器作品展售,民藝埕,台灣
Group Exhibition, Art Yard, Taiwan
2015 王美雲陶藝個展,淡然有味,台灣
Solo Exhibition, Taiwan
2016 讓陶土說 _ 王美雲陶藝創作展,慢鏝選東西,台灣
2016 佳山美學系列展覽:手感之美 x 食器藝術特展 /物色俱閒-翁清賢攝影展
Kazan Aesthetics I : Beauty of Handcrafts- Art of Tableware / Kazan Aesthetics II : Graceful
and Leisured Images-Art of Ong Chin Sheng’s Photoshoots, Beitou Museum, Taiwan
2018 沈煉時光:王美雲個展,罐子創品空間,台灣
Nicole Wang Solo Exhibition, Cans Show Space, Taiwan
2019 台灣守藝人,賞氣藝廊,台灣
Shang Chi Gallery, Taiwan
2021 「沾滿春泥的手心」聯展,臻品藝廊,台灣
TKB Gallery, Taiwan
2023 作陶 畫畫 王美雲・翁清賢陶畫雙人展,實心裡 生活什物店,台灣
Solid Art Shop, Taiwan